
Please watch the video below for some highlighted testimonials, or…

“Venus Jones is Langston Hughes in the form of a black girl!”

Marjol Rush-Collet, Curator, Langston Hughes Family Museum

I was more moved by one of her poems than I am when I attend a Broadway play! Venus energized and electrified the entire audience!

Venus Jones is far more than a Spoken Word Artist. She is a goldmine of inspiration, revelation, and divine empowerment. Her poems, stories, personality, and performances exude a level of genuine greatness that is rare in today’s times. A true voice for this generation, Venus through her inspirational CD Retrograde, and many other works, uses her God-given talent for poetry to ignite a fire within us all to live, learn, and love this wonderful thing called life! Powerful.

Dr. Delatorro L. McNeal, II , Platinum Performance Global

Venus uses her talent to keep things fresh. This alone shows that Venus is not willing to be simply another poetic planet. Look for this woman to continue to shine, to bring more brightness and remind us of why we have eyes.

E. Ethelbert Miller, Author and Literary Activist

I’ve been involved with the writing community for almost 40 years and Venus has arrived on the scene with as much energy and ability as I have ever seen.  I am extraordinarily impressed with her talent.

A lot of these kids can’t stop talking about how real you were. You boosted my morale and the morale of many others here.

Wayne Allan, Survivor of The Last Chance Ranch
I am so grateful that I got to experience Professor Jones teach public speaking. I now know more about my values and my voice.
Shana Hagood, Mission College Alum