Oh, the irony! Yesterday, June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade was officially overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Sometimes it seems the stars align to urge me to speak up on political issues. But longtime fans already know that Polly Ticks me off. Exactly sixteen years before the Court’s decision yesterday, my heart was almost jumping out my chest as I recited my poem “Life and Death” for the first time. It was June 24, 2006.
I felt like I sucked the air out of the room but was relieved when most of the crowd clapped at the end. A few people even gave me a standing ovation. I was the poet laureate of a series entitled On this Earth that was produced and hosted by musician, educator, and activist Lorna Bracewell. It was a benefit concert for Habitat for Humanity held at Pro Star Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida. The flyer read “Art to inform, enlighten and empower.”
Yolanda McDade, my graphic artist at the time, urged me to create an album cover, and I turned my set into a limited edition studio album. I will post the live recording on my Patreon page. I remember apologizing after reciting it because the audience appeared stunned a bit. Unfortunately this poem is still relevant because the hypocrisy is heavier than ever.
I originally wrote it as an open letter to the “religious right”, who are often wrong when it comes to as it pertains to reproductive rights. To all those who are truly working on being more Christ-like, thank you.
This is a dialogue, so feel free to leave a comment on what came up for you. I’d love to hear your question or perspective below.
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