You are progressing and your path is clear.
If your purpose was fulfilled you would no longer be here.
You are in the right place and everything is just fine.
When you stay open to possibilities,
the process is the reason and the rhyme.
Everything happens in perfect time.
Everything happens in perfect time.

When we start to rush we lose our minds.
No need to speed up.
No need to rewind.
Have faith and take your time.
Enjoy the rising and the setting of the sun.
Enjoy the journey of one.
Your blessings will fall in line.
When in the moment you are destined to shine.
Just surrender and take back your peace of mind.
Just surrender it all and take back your peace of mind.

Brothers and sisters take your time.
If only we could see we must be kind.
Knowledge and wisdom we will find.
All things happen in perfect time.

The seasons are unfolding.
If you run too fast, the trees become blurry and you become blind.
To the beauty of the Creator’s will and design.
Unplanned events add suspense.
Develop your courage and confidence.
When you walk in with intuition.
When you open your heart and make up your mind.
Worry and frantic fear may erupt.
You just slow down and fill up your spiritual cup.
When you are full of grace you can dream, build or climb.
When you stay open to possibilities,
the process is the reason and the rhyme.

Everything happens in perfect time.