
“Unexpected Harmony: Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between Beyonce and Tracy Chapman”

Welcome to my poetic planet! Greetings I'm still waging peace through poetry and representing multi-talented artivists, educators and  empaths, who believe words and dialogue matters. Before I share a new poem celebrating more harmony and Black History in 2024, let's congratulate Beyonce Knowles, in the spirit of ujima or collective work! Aaaa, yes that's me [...]

By |2024-03-07T19:53:45-08:00February 29, 2024|Insightful, Performances, Poetry, Random Thoughts|

Digital Love Letters

This National Loving Day, I'm honored to partner with the Institute for Contemporary Art, San Jose for the release of my Digital Love Letters project, and a corresponding short film, with the same title.  During 2012 to 2014,  Steve and I aka SteVenus experienced living in a long-distance relationship. I was earning my master's degree [...]

By |2024-03-01T05:29:28-08:00June 2, 2023|FaceTime Haiku, Inspirational, Poetry|