
“Unexpected Harmony: Exploring the Similarities and Differences Between Beyonce and Tracy Chapman”

Welcome to my poetic planet! Greetings I'm still waging peace through poetry and representing multi-talented artivists, educators and  empaths, who believe words and dialogue matters. Before I share a new poem celebrating more harmony and Black History in 2024, let's congratulate Beyonce Knowles, in the spirit of ujima or collective work! Aaaa, yes that's me [...]

By |2024-03-07T19:53:45-08:00February 29, 2024|Insightful, Performances, Poetry, Random Thoughts|

What does depression look like?

Welcome to my World, The year 2022 has been the year I decided to become a mental health advocate. I am what depression looks like. I’ve already been transparent about my battles with a diagnosed anxiety disorder and the depression that comes along with that, yet l repeat: "I am not my dis-ease." I [...]

By |2022-12-27T15:47:28-08:00December 27, 2022|Insightful|

“I need a man” by Venus Jones

I need a man I can do bad by myself. I don’t need nobody else. I work day and night, night and day, to pay the bills of yesterday. But it’s okay, and it’s all right. You know I can make wrong right without a fight. Just understand, I need a complete companion. [...]

By |2022-10-02T16:44:03-07:00September 28, 2022|Insightful, Poetry|

Janet Jackson rose. She Rose.

Her Story Matters ~As someone who studies sheroes, I've never been this excited about a Lifetime movie. I'm not even the biggest Janet Jackson fan. I have only seen her in concert twice, but I was dancing to her music on my Instagram page in anticipation and texting friends, who seemed less enthused. Why? I [...]

By |2022-06-25T01:52:44-07:00January 31, 2022|Insightful, Random Thoughts|

Happy New You!

This is the time for New Year's resolutions. While you are setting your own goals, make sure to leave time for love and fun in your schedule. We all strive to have a healthy work-life balance. So don't just look at the computer or the clocks this year.       Let's also take time to [...]

By |2019-01-02T01:14:58-08:00January 1, 2019|Insightful, Poetry|

A talk with my Mother

I made this video for my poem "A talk with my Mother" in hopes that it may help us build a better world and it might reach the hearts of all powers that be. It stars Queen Mother Fatima as Mother Earth, a long-time educator and activist of New York and Florida fame. Enjoy!

By |2016-10-15T11:55:06-07:00January 20, 2013|Insightful|