The cast (from left to right): Tia Strachen, me, Rick Stutzel, Alex Cruz, and Bill Martin.


Steve and I pouting at the awards banquet. :)

The debut of my first short play at the Straz in downtown Tampa, went pretty well. It was the ultimate writing workshop for me and I learned a lot about the other roles that often get overlooked in theatre. Shout out to my super star director Brianna Clare for her amazing stage direction and the soundscape she provided. Someone said our ending made her skin crawl and two women came to me with tears in their eyes. This is an image of our curtain call but before I walked out on stage I had tears in my eyes. This is something that really happened to me and now it was a powerful play that promotes social justice. Wow!

“…And the winner is….” Someone else. No fake smiles here. LOL You win some. You lose some. Sometimes it seems like all you do is lose, until you win.  Thank you for your support, especially those of you who hugged me after the show and shed sweat and tears with me. I’m so proud of myself and my cast. We made them laugh and cry.

My work is bold and controversial at times because… “I seek to speak the truth. I write to inspire and spread proof. I write to heal. Write to make things tangible and real.” Lines from my poem…”Why I write.”

Acknowledgement and/or having my work accepted by others is nice but being my authentic self and not playing it safe all the time is nicer. The following day I was granted the gift of a cloudy day. A day that says it’s ok to rest and reflect. 

My new friend and friend Bridgette Simmonds reminded me of the beauty of clouds and relaxation. I can just be at home with my thoughts. No to-do-list or goals to cross off. I am allowed to let go and just be.

One of my favorite songs by the Clark Sisters would ask, “Is my living in vain? Is my labor in vain?” The answer is and always will be, “No, of course not.” When we’re done resting. We keep pushing. That’s how we make it over the thresholds.

This was me journaling my fears on Facebook on July 2, 2015

Tia and I: All smiles after the performance.

Now that’s progress. Blooming baby!

Our next show is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 2015 at Eckerd College at 7:30 pm in the Bininger Theatre.

Wanna know who won the full length? “Six Triple Eight” by Mary McCallum which honors  the first all female and African-American Central Postal Battalion that moved mountains of mail for millions of American service members and civilians that clogged warehouses in England and France.

You know I love promoting unsung heroes and poetic soldiers, so check it out at a theatre near you.