On Sunday, August 22, 2017 I facilitated my very first “Show and Tell” meet up. I’ve been teaching young people and adults how to become better storytellers this way, at my local library. I’m also brushing up on some of my own work in the process.

I did a rare FB Live event, where I shared poetry and updates for an entire hour. In case you missed it…

Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/venusjones/videos/vb.616836485/10154540009386486/?type=3&theater

I am shedding layers of fear and doubt so my true light can emerge. It’s the artist’s way. I’m finding new ways to express myself. I’ve been hand picked to participate in my very first creative fellowship as a MALI cohort for year ten.

What’s with all this sudden movement? What’s happening? I don’t know but it’s never a dull moment. I even started a podcast you can check out if you subscribe to my Youtube channel, found at the bottom of the home page.

Did you see the eclipse last month? I posted pics on my Twitter and Instagram page. My husband and I traveled all the way to Wyoming to experience totality and found a field full of totem sunflowers on our drive back. I’ll blame any bloom or blossoming on the eclipse, and any sun seeds I picked up.

My name is Venus and I am named after the morning and evening star, so it’s my destiny to honor the divine in you and my natural surroundings, the universe, and beyond.

I saw this quote at a park recently. “Nature is never in a rush but every thing still gets done.”

Please subscribe to my newsletter and check out my calendar for upcoming appearances and speaking engagements: https://venusjones.com/calendar/

Love always and always LOVE,
