Greetings Venusian,

Living in the Bay is expensive so one way to give back and pick up extra cash flow is teaching. I’ve been doing a lot of subbing part-time lately. It’s slowed down my writing process regarding that third book but I’m learning new leadership skills. Every day is a new adventure and I do think I’m co-creating more heroes and sheroes, who can stop and think critically. What happens when they don’t think at all, you ask? Let’s not talk about it.

What I know for sure is increasing the praise does work wonders when they do what is a lot less limiting. I love to look for the good in my students and hold them to high standards. In each class I’ve been taking notes on how their normal instructor does this. One of my favorite strategies is using a clothespin to clip them up and down. This reward process offers incentives for students to reach “All Star” and “MVP” status. In other classrooms some teacher’s reward a team and not the individual.

I’m not sure what works best yet but I do know I want young people to see my smile and eyes light up when they are on the right track. What are some of the ways you encourage self-control or self-discipline in the classroom or with your own children?

Love Always,
