Here’s my top 10 31 most memorable moments of 2012:

31. Making a last minute bucket list trip to Philly with Enjoli and Nevaeh
30. Spending Christmas at sea with the hubby
29. Horseback riding on the beach in St. Lucia
28. Bathing in the hot springs in Dominica
27. Snorkeling with a sea turtle in Barbados
26. Introducing Andrea Gibson in Sexualities in Education A Reader
25. Getting permission to use Shepard Fairey”s artwork in my live show
24. Meeting Elmaz Abinader and everyone in her Poets of Color class
23. Reuniting with my old old-school friend Sean
22. Meeting the ever so talented Nicole Maxali and her memorable solo show “I heart Lola”
21. Receiving a standing ovation at Ruth Eckerd Hall
20. Sharing the stage with Fred Johnson again after almost 15 years at UUC Clearwater
19. Taking pictures with nearly every wax figure inside Madame Tussauds of on my 12th year wedding anniversary
18. Producing “For Girls Only” with Davida Bowen and Giovanni Taylor at Ferrell Middle School
17. Seeing one of my all time favorite bands Spam Allstars in concert and getting VIP status
16. Stephen and I appearing in Dynasty”s music video for the song “Forgive”
15. Meeting and performing with Rachel Holdt and Suya in my first interdisciplinary collaboration at Solespace for the theme “Transit”
14. Attending Southern Fried in Tampa and seeing so many fellow poets come together
13. Performing at Divine Divas and giving an impromptu tribute to Whitney Houston on stage the night of her death
12. Being given an heirloom that belonged to the infamous poet and activist June Jordan
11.Having my book She Rose reviewed in Our Times along side Nikky Finney”s
10. Having Marjol Rush Collet of the Langston Hughes Family museum write an unbelievable endorsement and attend my Book release party
9. Earning a scholarship to attend Mills College and having the courage to move to California
8. Ending the semester by speaking at San Francisco State and seeing my picture and name next to Alice Walker”s
7. Performing the show “Poetic Soldier” at Los Angeles Women”s Theatre Festival and earning most inspiring performance of the year
6. Publishing my second book Lyrics for Langston
5. Having the planet Venus transit on my birthday
4. Meeting Sonia Sanchez
3. Meeting Cornel West
2. Hugging the living legend and icon, Whoopi Goldberg and her telling everyone, “This girl is gonna make it!” (And yes she was talking about me)
1. Being a cover girl during poetry month for Spoken Vizions Magazine

Check out the companion slide show of my Top 31 at: